LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posted In: Business Development

A Former Client’s View: The Client Side of Business Development

Recently I was at a client coaching meeting with a very savvy rainmaker who, prior to his return to the law firm side,

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity

Reality Bites: How a Dose of Reality Can Help Law Firm Leaders Drive Firms Forward

In a recent blog post, Dr. Larry Richards discussed in depth the prevalence of “learned helplessness” among lawyers. A phenomenon first discovered by

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity

A Time to Remember… And to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is here again.  If you are like me you are wondering:  “What happened to the year?”   Thanksgiving marks the starting line for

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Redefining “Acceptable” Behavior at Your Law Firm: Are You Turning a Blind Eye?

It seems that dialogue about the Miami Dolphins’ bullying controversy is everywhere.  It’s come up in conversations with friends, family and clients, and

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity

Mirror Mirror: What To Do When Clients Don’t Pick You

It’s that iconic image – the vain Queen staring at her reflection in the Magic Mirror as a voice tells her it is

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management

Strategic Parlance

There is a lot of strategic planning going on right now…and there damn well should be.  The business of law has changed dramatically

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Posted In: Business Development

Develop Loyal Clients by Creating a “Wow” Factor

We’ve all experienced some degree of exceptional service, and perhaps taken note and provided a 5-Star rating on a satisfaction survey or rewarded

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Revisiting the Idea that Numbers Do Matter

Last fall, I wrote that it “turned out numbers do matter.”  It was in response to an overwhelming turnout for a one-hour webinar

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: The Cross-Selling Conundrum

Cross-selling is one critical component of a successful business development strategy at professional services firms. As any law firm CMO/CBDO knows, cross-disciplinary cooperation

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Leading Through Market Disruption: Why Follow the Leader Is a Game of the Past

Imitation may be the greatest form of flattery, but it is one of the worst approaches to establishing market leadership in today’s rapidly

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