Practice Support

Marketing resources are often severely stretched within law firms, and yet the need to compete and execute strategic marketing initiatives is relentless. LawVision can help provide an outsourced solution and bridge the gap between firm needs and in-house capabilities. Our combined experience of more than 50 years running in-house Amlaw marketing departments and working with the widest variety of practices and industries, allows us to provide senior-level advice and help support and propel in-house efforts.

Examples of this type of support include:

  • Partnering with in-house marketing professionals to provide coaching, including business development sessions, with select partners/associates within a practice, industry, or geographic location.
  • Marketing support for practice/industry efforts including development of collateral, analysis of client base, panel/event development, key sponsorships, product development, website, and digital efforts.
  • Client development efforts that propel forward client teams and client listening programs efforts.


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