LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : LawVision

Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

5 Tips to Be a Better, Happier Firm: A New Year’s Resolution

For many, year-end is a time of reflection. A time for self-assessment, an opportunity to shed bad habits or embrace new ones. As

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Holiday Tips

The holiday season is upon us yet again. Wouldn’t it be easier, if the end of the year came along at some other

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Chasing Rainbows: Six Tips for Data-Driven Planning

It’s there at the end of the rainbow – the elusive pot of gold. All we need to do is follow this path…

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Posted In: Business Development

The One Tool You Don’t Want to be Without for Lawyer Business Development

A colleague asked me recently what I thought was the single most important tool for law firm business development success. “What’s the silver

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Posted In: Assessments, Strategic Planning

Speculation: Why Gaining Competitive Advantage Demands More than Efficiencies

As many traditional law firms grapple with how to do what they do now better or more efficiently, there are only a handful

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Posted In: Business Development

Overcoming Lawyer Business Development Fears

It’s time for Halloween. Have you ever been scared? I mean, bone-chilling terrified? The kind of fear that actually changes your body heat

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Posted In: LawVision News

LawVision Announces New Service Offering ~ LawVision MergerCounsel

LawVision Group is pleased to announce the addition of a new service offering – LawVision MergerCounsel. Michael Short and Joseph Altonji, both founding

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Effective Cross-Selling Requires Trust

Now that most firms have recognized the value of going to market by industry, most have established formal industry teams. The natural next

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Invisible Impediment: Is Your Firm’s Culture Holding You Back?

Peter Drucker said it best. “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” In our rapidly evolving industry the need for and attention to firm-wide strategy

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Posted In: Business Development

The 7 Worst Ways to Motivate a Lawyer to Engage in Business Development

If you really want to get someone to do something, you need to give him/her a reason—a gun to the face, a bonus

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