LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : LawVision

Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Talent Strategy: 20 Questions Law Firm Leaders Need to Ask in 2013

When I ask law firm leaders about their talent strategy, I often get the response, “You mean our recruiting?” or “You mean our

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development For Lawyers: It’s About Time

Having been in an in-house leadership role for many years, I have spent much of my time encouraging my practice professionals to dedicate

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Posted In: Business Development, Strategic Planning

Law Firm Alternative Fees: Revolution or Slog

This week, I came across this lead-in to an article in the New York Times on the alternative fee revolution in law firms.

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Posted In: Talent Strategy

The Business of Law: How Innovative Law Firms – Use Talent Strategy to Achieve Strategic Goals

I recently attended a Kellogg School of Management Alumni event entitled “The Age at Which People Achieve Great Things” where Ben Jones, Associate

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Posted In: Uncategorized

How to Write your Firm Website Bio and LinkedIn Profile Bio for Maximum Web Exposure

Take a lesson from Dr. Seuss and use “The Cat in the Hat” method If you are struggling with how to write your

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Posted In: Business Development

Focus Efforts on the Right Firm Initiatives Using the Smart Work Matrix

I recently came across a powerful yet fairly simple tool called the Smart Work Matrix. It helps directors and CMOs in law firms

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

What are We Most Thankful For in our Legal Careers?

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving -W.T. Purkiser As a law

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firms’ Use of Pitchbooks for Business Development

“To Present, or not to Present. That is the question…” Pitchbooks have been an integral part of the business development effort at every

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity

How to Increase Associate Retention: Four Simple Ways to Improve Associate Satisfaction

With median first-year associate salaries dropping to 2007 levels and average education debt for law grads at private schools increasing to $125,000, it

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