LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : LawVision

Posted In: Business Development

The Power of the “Next Best Result:” What to do when Your Prospect Says “No”

When preparing for a meeting with a prospect, don’t forget to prepare your “next best result.” I credit Gary Quinnett, one of the

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: A Team Servicing Approach

As much as I’d like to think that my blog post entitled “Law Firm Business Development: Make Selling a Team Sport” (April 2014)

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Are Generational Differences the Enemy of Client Satisfaction? Part 2: Engaging “Next Gen” Lawyers

By Jessa Baker and Marcie Borgal Shunk Last week Marcie Borgal Shunk and I provided insights into how generational differences pose a distinct

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Posted In: Talent Strategy

Are Generational Differences the Enemy of Client Satisfaction? Part I

By Marcie Borgal Shunk and Jessa Baker By 2020, Millennials will comprise 50% of the working population – dominating the workforce in the

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Posted In: Business Development

How to Get a First Meeting, Get Your Foot in the Door, and Get an Audience with a Prospective Client Using Value Propositions (and Fried Chicken)

When the new interstate highway went in right next to his town, Harland Sanders saw his business dry up at his little café

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Autumn Reflections and Words of Gratitude

As we enjoy the waning days of summer, we focus on the new beginnings that autumn brings: a new school year, football season,

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Posted In: Talent Strategy

Law Firm Talent Strategy: Party Like It’s 1974

Law firms are about to party like its 1974. And no, they’re not installing shag carpeting, plugging in lava lamps or streaming disco

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Fixed Mindset or Growth Mindset? How Learning Mindsets May Be Stifling Law Firm Change

Salman Khan, an innovative educator, recently wrote an article featured in The Huffington Post about two mindsets which influence how individuals approach learning.

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Posted In: Business Development

Client Perceptions: The Value of Knowing Non-substantive Needs

In a recent post on how to deal with fee objections, I posited that the key to navigating pricing pushback lies in understanding

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling value: How to land clients when your set fee seems too high (Why price doesn’t matter)

Lawyers don’t like talking about price. Angst over pushback on fees is common among the lawyers I meet in my training seminars. While

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