LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posted In: Artificial Intelligence, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

Here We Go All Over Again… Or Not

The legal industry has been on the verge of either “ending as we know it,” or being forced to endure massive change, every

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Legal Project Management, Team Performance, Uncategorized

LPM: And the Quiet Ones will Lead Them

You have an LPM initiative to launch. What’s churning in those lawyerly heads? You’re not the boss of me. Dr. Larry Richard, founder

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Legal Sales, Strategic Planning

Creating and Managing a Sales Pipeline Report

Creating a sales forecast (aka pipeline report) is an essential element of business development. With a sales forecast, it will be much easier

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Posted In: Artificial Intelligence, Law Firm Resilience, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Your AI Legal Strategy Framework Part 2

Your Key AI Enablers Summary. Building a strategy focusing on a fast-moving topic like AI requires a different rhythm. Assumptions made today may

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

Three tips for CMOs who oversee both Marketing and Sales functions

Law firms are slowly but steadily adding client-facing business development and sales professionals to their ranks and very often placing them under the

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Posted In: Artificial Intelligence, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Your AI Legal Strategy Framework Part 1

Separating the Signal from the Noise with the Help of “Bootleggers and Baptists” Summary. Law firm leaders face a mountain of AI[1] noise

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Law Firm Sales: Reach Out With Gratitude

Receiving acknowledgement for a job well done, or for helping another business colleague or contact, or for ongoing work received from a client,

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Get to the Point (of Sale): Client-Facing Possibilities for Law Firm Professional Staff

“Commitment to help.” This is, according to BTI Consulting CEO Michael Rynowecer, one of the top attributes that buyers demand from their law

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Legal Project Management, Talent Strategy

Got Introverts? Your LPM Initiative Needs Them

Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama are pretty obvious examples. Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk? Not so much. But they all share

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Practice Group Management

What Law Firm Practice Leaders Need Now: An Essential Handbook for Success

Introduction In the complex and ever-evolving world of law firms, the role of a practice group leader is crucial. Like a symphony conductor,

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