Posted In: Business Development
Law Firm Business Development: With The Heat Comes Relief
It’s been unbelievablely hot across North America this summer, hasn’t it? Wait a minute. I think we say that every summer. Anyway, I hope that each of you is enjoying your version of summer, wherever and however that may be.
The weather has been crazy, for sure, but there is one thing that we can count on; business development activity slows down this time of year. However, that doesn’t mean that we should shelve our business development efforts entirely. My brief blog advice to you business developers today is to take advantage of this quiet time to revisit goals and objectives in your marketing plan:
- Reprioritize your business development activities to better align them with your strategic targets.
- Continue to be diligent (ok, it’s summer, so perhaps a little less than normal) about staying top of mind with the people who matter.
- Think about your Q4 priorities and write them down. You can certainly ease up a little, but don’t take the foot off of the accelerator altogether.
- Reset goals and objectives, realign business development activities, and reach out to the people who matter.
Now, take another sip of that Mojito poolside and enjoy the rest of the summer. I know I will.
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