LawVision MergerCounsel:

Law Firm Merger Marketplace

Most law firm Managing Partners tell us that they would like to be notified of potential law firm merger opportunities and interested parties that might make sense for their law firm, even though they may not be actively searching. One never knows when a great opportunity will arise and everyone fears the deal they wanted but didn’t know about until they read another firm’s press release. For those who want to be in the flow of expressions of interest at a high level, we offer the MergerCounsel Law Firm Merger Marketplace – a highly confidential, dynamic database of interested parties that our law firm merger consultants review bi-weekly for potential matches, based on each firm’s expressed interests.


  1. Your information will be stored in a secure, local, password-protected database that is accessible to only our law firm merger consultants.
  2. Your information will be used ONLY for the stated purpose – to allow us to monitor our marketplace for opportunities that may make sense for your firm.
  3. There are no anticipated results or guaranteed outcomes, stated or implied, from your participation in our marketplace.  An introduction results only when the interests of two participants align but we cannot guarantee that this outcome will occur for any member, nor can we guarantee that any introduction will result in a merger.
  4. If a new firm registers into our virtual marketplace and that firm’s interests align with those of multiple existing participants, we will notify all potential matches.  We will not play “favorites” or try to create any particular outcome.
  5. If/when a potential match exists, no law firm is ever mentioned by name to any third party without the consent of appropriate contact at the firm. Initial notifications are based on high-level descriptions that include no firm-specific information.
  6. There is no cost for registering into this virtual marketplace. If a match results from your participation, we will ask for a success fee that is commensurate with marketplace norms but the ultimate value of our services will be determined by the leaders of the involved law firms.
  7. You may ask to have your information “scrubbed” from our database at any time.

Law Firm Merger Marketplace Registration Form

By entering your information into this form, you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to the rules on this page.

For further information on LawVision’s Law Firm MergerCounsel services, please contact either:

Joe Altonji; 847.867.2220

Mike Short; 202.255.1197

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