LawVision MergerCounsel:

Post-Merger Law Firm Integration

In many law firm merger negotiations, law firm post-merger integration is a vitally important step that is either left to the last minute or grossly under-planned with respect to the time needed for proper execution.

Our law firm merger consultants know when to plan and how to plan for post-merger law firm integration. Furthermore, the entirety of LawVision has the broadest collection of skills available from any law firm consultancy and our whole team is ready to roll up our sleeves and assist with post-merger law firm integration plan implementation.

To get started with any of these services or to discuss the concept of law firm mergers more broadly, we offer a complimentary consultation (up to 60 minutes) to answer your questions and determine what your next step should be.

For further information on LawVision’s Law Firm MergerCounsel services, please contact either:

Joe Altonji; 847.867.2220

Mike Short; 202.255.1197

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