LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm leadership’

Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Track Your Clients Like a Foreign Policy Expert Tracks a Rogue Nation: Dig Deep

This week, North Korea launched a ballistic missile for the first time in over two months. During the summer, they were launching missiles

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You Can Ignore This Post…  If You Are Satisfied with How Your Firm is Doing

We’re coming up on the 10th year-end closing since the financial crash got rolling, and as many as two-thirds of American law firms

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning

The Potential Risks of “Senior” Leadership

Many law firm leadership teams are making key decisions today that will determine the long-term success or failure of their firms.  The current

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Facing the Inevitable:  Succession Management is Today’s Leadership Challenge

Read Joe Altonji’s most recent blog on Succession Management at The National Law Review.  

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

10 Questions That Need Answers for a Successful 2017 (and Beyond)

At about this time last year, I wrote a blog about 10 Projects That Can Produce Big Results in 2016.  My goal was

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Succession Planning: What the “Successor” Values

In my most recent blog, The Art of Succession Planning – Thoughts on How to Start, I shared tips gleaned from observing a

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Leadership Flaws and Communications Deficits…

Over the past two weeks Americans have witnessed the culmination of our presidential nominating process, and the launch of the general election campaign.

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Management Lessons from the Chicago Cubs

Despite the Cubs’ historic start to 2016, a true blue Cubs fan can’t help but remain skeptical about what the fall has in

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You’ve Got to Tell the Story Right…

It seems law firms everywhere are going back to basics. Who are we and where are we going? What is our strategy? What

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Challenges of “Staying in Place” to Address Succession Planning

Over the past few months, we’ve dedicated much of our blog space to the significant challenges associated with succession planning in law firms.

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