For most law firms, strategic thinking has been limited to positioning.

If the last few years have made one thing clear in the legal industry, it’s that not all firms are built with comparable or the same strategic strength and resilience. To fully develop a comprehensive firm strategy, the leaders of today’s firms must go well beyond simply focusing on market position.

At LawVision Group, we help law firms clearly define and subsequently achieve their strategic objectives, including alignment of firm governance, management and compensation systems with firm strategy, mergers and other operational areas. We help define their future direction by analyzing their competitive environment, client base, current market position, specific capabilities and range of strategic options. We then guide the client through the strategy process, while adapting that process to the style, culture and circumstances of the specific firm, group, or team. Our goal is to help each client define a realistic, meaningful and achievable strategy that will serve as a guide for action and change.

While we normally include implementation planning and support in our planning projects, we also assist with key tasks often needed to implement a strategy either as a continuation of the strategic effort or, as stand-alone projects. These can include growth initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, succession planning and talent realignment efforts, compensation and governance alignment, administrative support/overhead structure design, alternative fee arrangements and billing rate/pricing reviews, to name a few.


Additional Services

Law firm leaders rely on LawVision to help develop and implement bold, practical solutions with confidence in the decisions and a process for managing change. Each solution is tailored and takes into account factors such as strategic direction, economics, culture, values, and potential.