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Posts Tagged ‘law firm business development’

Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Business Development: Connect The Dots To Maximize The Return

Over the course of the past decade law firm leaders have told my colleagues and me “we need to do something different” to

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Your Bio is Your Product Sheet

I’ve written about bios before and just yesterday was reminded that they still remain one of the most powerful marketing communications tools one

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Reducing Stress in 2017

What does stress have to do with business development? A lot. Building, maintaining and growing a significant practice coupled with billable hour requirements

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Posted In: Business Development

Are Networking Events Worth Your Time?

I read a great article in the Harvard Business Review on networking.  In “Don’t Waste Your Time on Networking Events,” author Derek Coburn

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Be Confident and ASK

Speaking with a client today, I was reminded of one of the most common mistakes lawyers make when it comes to business development.

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Is My Partner Stupid? Is My Partner a Thief? Cross-Selling Fears as Obstacles

  This is it, folks, this is what it’s all about.… This is for the whole megillah, for the whole ball of wax,

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Management Lessons from the Chicago Cubs

Despite the Cubs’ historic start to 2016, a true blue Cubs fan can’t help but remain skeptical about what the fall has in

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Are You Missing Opportunities To Connect?

Along with the warmer weather comes increased outdoor social activity. Accordingly, there are plenty of informal opportunities for relationship development—which we all know

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development:  Don’t make this common mistake when following up with a prospective client

I chuckled as I read Jon Manley’s article, “Stop Touching Base with Your Prospects.” It might seem counterintuitive, but a closer look reveals a

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Nailing the Fundamentals

It is one of the simplest yet often hardest questions to answer— “What do you do?” Having a crisp answer can often be

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