LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm strategy’

Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

The Legal Profession in a “Post-COVID” World – Part 4, Preparing the Firm to Survive and Thrive Through Future Disruptions

By Joe Altonji, Mike Short, Mark Medice and Yvonne Nath In our COVID-19 Recovery Playbook, we provided our thinking for firm leadership on

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

The Legal Profession in a “Post-COVID” World – Part 2, The Role of The Client

By Joe Altonji, Mike Short, Mark Medice and Yvonne Nath In our COVID-19 Recovery Playbook, we provided our thinking for firm leadership on

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

The Legal Profession in a “Post COVID” World – Part 1

By Joe Altonji, Mike Short, Mark Medice and Yvonne Nath In our COVID-19 Recovery Playbook, we provided our thinking for firm leadership on

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Team Performance

Show Me (More Than) the Money

Law firms that operate under the premise that money is the top motivator for shareholders are likely underachieving, wasting the firm’s potential, and

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

Positioning the Firm for Success: Finding the Synthesis of Strategy, Culture, Leadership & Execution

After more than three decades advising law firm leaders on improving their firm’s overall position and success, a number of frustrations have proven

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning, Succession Planning

5 Emerging Challenges for Law Firm Leaders in 2020

Before the calendar slips too far into the new year, I want to share five important emerging trends or steps for law firm

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Posted In: Assessments, Benchmarking Research, Business Development, Compensation & Performance, Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning, Succession Planning, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

LawVision Profitability Survey Key Findings

Mark Twain is often reputed to have stated that “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”  This phrase comes to mind when

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

Top Workplace Cultures see Top and Bottom Line Growth

Employees who work in constructive workplace cultures understand what is expected of them, feel empowered to do their jobs well, tend to effectively

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

If You Can Measure Culture, You Can Manage It

Are you frustrated with your team’s or firm’s culture? Are you a change agent or innovator frustrated with the progress on your firm’s

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Posted In: Client Service, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

Time to Get Focused Before 2019 Gets Away from Us!

Wait, what? It’s still January, right? Well yes, it is, but now is the time to lay the groundwork for a strategically successful

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