LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm consultant’

Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Law Firm Business Development: Where to Invest Sales Coaching Dollars

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on September 1, 2020. The best use of any sales coaching investment is with

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Posted In: NewLaw Business Models, Organizational Structure, Profitability

Captive LPOs: The Right Type of Subsidiary for Your Law Firm?

This article was first published on September 23, 2020 by’s Legaltech News:  A wholly owned Captive LPO will be more closely

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Client Feedback: Considerations for Client/Referral Source Selection Process

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on August 11, 2020. Below are suggestions for consideration when choosing clients to include

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development

Law Firm Leadership: Living the Values of Greatness

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on July 20, 2020. Many law firm professionals aspire to be leaders at either

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Differentiate to Win Meeting Opportunities

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on May 18, 2020. Whether it’s COVID-19 or another current pressing issue that provides

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Planning

Why So Many Law Firm Merger Attempts Fail

I recently wrote about the outcomes of our most recent 30 law firm merger & acquisition projects <link> within the context of a

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Posted In: Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Profitability Signaling through Smart Reporting

Your Performance Orientation In my last blog entitled Your Financial Performance Scorecard (link), I discussed four profit areas for law firms: (1) successful

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity

In the Spotlight: Diversity and Inclusion-Focused Client Development Efforts

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief on July 27, 2020. The national conversation about racism and the need for

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Creating and Managing a Sales Pipeline Report

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on April 22, 2020. By Silvia Coulter and Steve Bell Law firms have long

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Become a Rainmaker at Your Law Firm by Performing this One Simple Task Every Day

What if you were able to build a healthy book of business just by changing one tiny thing in your daily routine? Would

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