LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

The 7 Worst Ways to Motivate a Lawyer to Engage in Business Development

If you really want to get someone to do something, you need to give him/her a reason—a gun to the face, a bonus

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: What Do You Mean by “Marketing”?

The vast majority of our clients devote a certain amount of non-billable time to “Marketing.” The amount of hours vary from firm-to-firm, but

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Transformation and the Metamorphosis of Narcissus

I recently asked the Chair Emeritus of a significant firm what his biggest accomplishment was and what his biggest failure was. He reflected

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Posted In: Business Development

Seven Nice Ways Your Prospects Say “No, Thank You” and What to Do about It

Ask any nine-year-old kid what it means when his mother says “I’ll think about it.” He knows what it means—it means no. As

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Business Development: Marketing Audits vs Go-To-Market Assessments

It’s interesting how things come in waves in this industry. For a period, we were swamped with client feedback requests, then it was

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Trust Your Gut and Other Unconventional Wisdom for Law Firm Leaders

Two years ago I had the good fortune to experience a transformational moment in my life. At a remote location in the heart

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Lose a Client; Gain Some Perspective – The 5+ Ws

You lose an opportunity for work after spending hours on an RFP or just hours and months on the sales process. Or you

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Posted In: Business Development

Getting Commitment: Start Small, and Build

Psychologists interviewing POWs after the Korean War discovered that U.S. prisoners held in Chinese camps were much more likely than their counterparts in

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Posted In: Business Development

Finding Career Satisfaction in Today’s Law Firms

A recent speech given by poet (yes, poet) David Whyte really emphasized the importance of being happy with yourself and in one’s career.

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Make The Most Out Of Informal Interaction

Well, the warmth has finally arrived here in New England this 4th of July weekend. Seriously. The high temperature last Sunday in Boston

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