LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Joseph Altonji

Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Law Firm Resilience, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

Are You Worried About Your Associate Classes? Something Has to Change…

I recently had an “out of body experience” while meeting with a group of young (35–40-year-old) partners who complained intensely about the poor

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

When Culture and Strategy Clash

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” – Peter Drucker We’ve all heard this famous admonition from the founder of management consulting, but what does it

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Posted In: Artificial Intelligence, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

Here We Go All Over Again… Or Not

The legal industry has been on the verge of either “ending as we know it,” or being forced to endure massive change, every

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

What Does “Law Firm Strategy” Mean, Anyway?

I am often struck by just how frequently we encounter new law firms, particularly smaller to mid-sized firms, where when asked if the

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

Succession vs. Independence: How Succession Challenges Could Accelerate Firm Combinations

Perhaps not surprisingly, two of the most frequent and challenging requests we currently receive are for assistance with “thinking through growth questions” (aka,

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

Keeping Your Options Open: Preparing for Strategic Flexibility in a Competitive Legal Environment

While the post-pandemic merger pace is slower than many expected, law firm combinations are clearly on the rise.  More significantly, recent announcements suggest

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

A Year of Shifting Winds – and Some Thoughts for the Year to Come

As we enter the final countdown to the end of 2022 – hard to believe another year has come and gone! – there

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Practice Group Management, Team Performance

Is Your Law Firm a Group of Cats or Dogs?

Is your firm a group of cats or dogs? Probably not a question most Managing Partners have considered recently, but surprisingly apt given

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Profitability, Talent Strategy

Shifting the Conversation on Associate Compensation: From “What Can We Afford?” to “Where Should We Be?”

There may be no single economic challenge facing law firms today bigger than the current war for talent.  Driven by transactional practices, the

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Law Firm Resilience

Year of Rediscovery: Focus 2022 on Your Law Firm Culture and Identity

Well, that’s been fun….  We are about to complete the second of two of the most challenging years in law firm history.  Yes,

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