LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Jim Cranston

Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Five Reasons Why Hiring a Sales Professional Will Benefit Your Firm

The CFO called me and asked if we could schedule our initial meeting to discuss the project. I was surprised that he had called

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Posted In: Business Development

Topics For Your Next Business Development Lunch

A client recently asked me for guidance on an upcoming business development lunch that was obviously important to her.  Her former colleague had

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Posted In: LawVision News

Now For Some Good News

Is anyone else tired of reading the daily news riddled with abuse and corruption in our country?  Names like Harvey Weinstein, Paul Manafort,

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Posted In: Client Service

What a Nordstrom Personal Shopper Can Teach Us About Client Service

“Can anyone give us an example of a non-legal service that you love”?  The question was posed by John Cunningham  to the four

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Artificial Intelligence – A game changer in the legal industry?

A.I. changes everything for law firms.  Today’s technology allows for contract review at a speed with which a lawyer simply cannot compete.  The

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Innovation: The One Driver for Future Success

Professor Gabriel Teninbaum, Director of Suffolk University’s Institute on Law Practice Technology & Innovation, gave a thought-provoking keynote address on innovation to 300

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Posted In: Business Development

Are Networking Events Worth Your Time?

I read a great article in the Harvard Business Review on networking.  In “Don’t Waste Your Time on Networking Events,” author Derek Coburn

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Posted In: Business Development

Yes, Virginia, Law Firms are Hiring Sales Professionals!

The Cubs won the world series, Donald Trump may be our next President, and law firms are hiring sales professionals.   What?  Really? From

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Posted In: Business Development

Change: Lessons for law firm leaders from the legendary Jack Welch

In order to meet or exceed anticipated profits per partner in a rapidly changing legal industry, many firms still have a way to

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development:  Don’t make this common mistake when following up with a prospective client

I chuckled as I read Jon Manley’s article, “Stop Touching Base with Your Prospects.” It might seem counterintuitive, but a closer look reveals a

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