LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm profitability’

Posted In: Client Service, Legal Project Management, Profitability

Driving Client Service and Improved Profitability through LPM

Despite social distancing, working remotely, and the reeling economic environment, law firms must continue to provide exceptional service to their clients. Even as

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Profitability, Team Performance

Linking Profitability to Law Firm Partner Compensation: Walking the Line Between Acceleration and Self Destruction

The current COVID crisis will have the effect of accelerating a trend that has been on the horizon for some time – moving

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Key Findings from Our Profitability Survey

Profitability Survey Background To help law firms think about profitability strategies and best practices, we recently finalized our second annual profitability survey with

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

The Legal Profession in a “Post-COVID” World – Part 4, Preparing the Firm to Survive and Thrive Through Future Disruptions

By Joe Altonji, Mike Short, Mark Medice and Yvonne Nath In our COVID-19 Recovery Playbook, we provided our thinking for firm leadership on

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Posted In: Client Service, Legal Project Management

Why Your Business Professional Team is Critical to Your Firm’s Viability Right Now

In recent weeks, the headlines say it all. Law firms are doing everything possible to minimize the economic downturn and the ongoing financial

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability

Pricing and Profitability During Uncertain Times

Industry events related to the Covid-19 pandemic continue to unfold before our eyes. But law firms and other businesses soldier on (mostly from

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability

2020 Rates and Pricing Analytics Flash Survey

We invite you to participate in the 2020 Rates and Pricing Analytics Flash Survey by LawVision and Clocktimizer. LawVision and Clocktimizer are conducting

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Team Performance

Show Me (More Than) the Money

Law firms that operate under the premise that money is the top motivator for shareholders are likely underachieving, wasting the firm’s potential, and

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Managing Cash, Margins & Profitability: High Impact Changes to Make Now

Are your lawyers abdicating their responsibility to manage rates, discounts, and cash collection cycles, creating unnecessary leakage and hurting your profit margins? Saying

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

Positioning the Firm for Success: Finding the Synthesis of Strategy, Culture, Leadership & Execution

After more than three decades advising law firm leaders on improving their firm’s overall position and success, a number of frustrations have proven

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