LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm leadership’

Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Client Relationship Transition Guide

The legal industry is clearly in the midst of a dramatic demographic shift that mirrors the changes in the overall US workforce.  The

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Posted In: Business Development

Seven Nice Ways Your Prospects Say “No, Thank You” and What to Do about It

Ask any nine-year-old kid what it means when his mother says “I’ll think about it.” He knows what it means—it means no. As

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development

Executive Presence – Do you have what it takes to be a firm leader?

I read an article many years ago that most CEOs, when asked to “please take a seat” by the receptionist, will elect to

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Value of Values

I was recently driving through a small town in rural Virginia where I passed an idyllic little white church that belongs on a

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