LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm innovation’

Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Practice Group Management

What Law Firm Practice Leaders Need Now: An Essential Handbook for Success

Introduction In the complex and ever-evolving world of law firms, the role of a practice group leader is crucial. Like a symphony conductor,

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

What to Make of Today’s Legal Economics

Wherever the crowd goes, run in the other direction. They are always wrong. Charles Bukowski For many, today’s economics are confusing. Inflation is

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

The Golden Rule of New Client Acquisition

To protect existing revenue streams, successful law firms invest heavily in client service, satisfaction, and relationships. But what about future revenue streams (aka

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

What Does “Law Firm Strategy” Mean, Anyway?

I am often struck by just how frequently we encounter new law firms, particularly smaller to mid-sized firms, where when asked if the

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Law Firm Resilience

If you don’t know what CX is . . . you need to read this!

There are limited ways for a law firm to differentiate from other firms. After all, the practice of law is basically the sale

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Legal Project Management

“Keep it Short, We’ve Got Work to Do”: LPM Lessons from the Coal Mine  

As any Manhattanite will tell you, it doesn’t take long to walk 10 short north-south blocks. It’s less than half a mile. But

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Posted In: Legal Project Management, Uncategorized

From the Frontlines: The Latest in Legal Project Management

In Midtown Manhattan, the temperatures soared to a spring-like 50 degrees when nearly 400 people attended this year’s Practising Law Institute (PLI) on

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Law Firm Sales: Prepare with the Best Intel

A number of factors continue to transform the legal industry, including: a more sophisticated legal services buyer as experienced partners switch sides to

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

A Year of Shifting Winds – and Some Thoughts for the Year to Come

As we enter the final countdown to the end of 2022 – hard to believe another year has come and gone! – there

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Posted In: NewLaw Business Models

What Do You Have to Lose? In 2021, Dare Greatly.

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of

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