LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Is My Partner Stupid? Is My Partner a Thief? Cross-Selling Fears as Obstacles

  This is it, folks, this is what it’s all about.… This is for the whole megillah, for the whole ball of wax,

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Nailing the Fundamentals – Connecting the Dots to Grow a Client Relationship

Solving a client’s business issues if you don’t know the solutions or services your firm has to offer can be like trying to

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Turn “NO” Into an Opportunity!

I talk with a lot of lawyers. And everyone at one point or another has lost business to a competitor. Sometimes, one never

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Posted In: Business Development, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Who Will Be The Owners of Law Firms in the Future?

We are often asked what we think law firms will look like in the future. What will the leverage model be? Will the

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Posted In: Business Development

Why Your Strongest Contacts Are Not Always Your Best Contacts—and What to Do About It

In early March 1955, a young African-American woman refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a Montgomery, Alabama, city

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Are You Missing Opportunities To Connect?

Along with the warmer weather comes increased outdoor social activity. Accordingly, there are plenty of informal opportunities for relationship development—which we all know

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Posted In: Business Development

Nailing the Fundamentals: The Value of Rehearsing

While in NY recently, I found myself outside Carnegie Hall. Whenever I find myself there, I often think of the old joke attributed

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Advice from a Taxi Driver? Read On!

I recently arrived in DC and grabbed a cab to the law firm where I had a meeting. En route, the cab driver

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Posted In: Business Development

Lack of Business Development Support May Be Just What You Need

I recently attended the Legal Sales and Service Organization’s Raindance Conference in Chicago, which, by the way, I highly recommend. The keynote speaker,

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development:  Don’t make this common mistake when following up with a prospective client

I chuckled as I read Jon Manley’s article, “Stop Touching Base with Your Prospects.” It might seem counterintuitive, but a closer look reveals a

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