LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Leveraging All Opportunities

Building and maintaining relationships is what sales is all about. It’s doubtful any business person would disagree. Further, maintaining relationships with good contacts,

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Posted In: Business Development

Are Networking Events Worth Your Time?

I read a great article in the Harvard Business Review on networking.  In “Don’t Waste Your Time on Networking Events,” author Derek Coburn

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Posted In: Business Development, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Who Will Be Income Partners in the Future?

In July, I wrote a blog entitled Who Will Be the Owners of Law Firms in the Future. My goal at that time

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Posted In: Business Development

You Already Know ‘All You Need to Know’ to Get More Law Firm Clients

What is your number one obstacle to attracting new business? If you are like most of my clients, your answer is “time.” Lack

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Posted In: Business Development, Organizational Structure, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Law Firm Business Development: Is Marketing Department Outsourcing The New Black?

Outsourcing a law firm’s back office functions like Finance or Information Technology (IT) certainly isn’t a new concept. However, as law firm leaders

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Posted In: Business Development

Yes, Virginia, Law Firms are Hiring Sales Professionals!

The Cubs won the world series, Donald Trump may be our next President, and law firms are hiring sales professionals.   What?  Really? From

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

Millennials and the Future of Business Development

As I reflect on a recent discussion among senior partners about which prospect or client to take golfing, I find myself thinking about

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Be Confident and ASK

Speaking with a client today, I was reminded of one of the most common mistakes lawyers make when it comes to business development.

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

The One Thing You Must Do to Get Hired

More important than showing expertise, know-how, skills and experience Ask most inside counsel why they hire the lawyers they do and they’ll tell

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Posted In: Business Development

Change: Lessons for law firm leaders from the legendary Jack Welch

In order to meet or exceed anticipated profits per partner in a rapidly changing legal industry, many firms still have a way to

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