LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm business development’

Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Sales: Relationship Partners Are Wise To Check In

I feel compelled to write this post about the importance of the relationship partner paying attention to the client relationship.  In the past

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Posted In: Business Development

“I Missed the Conference; Now What?” How to Salvage Missing a Networking Opportunity

Okay, you planned to go to an industry conference to do some much-needed networking. You had high hopes of meeting new people, securing

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Posted In: Business Development, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure

Law Firm Business Development: Building a Sales Team

Time to take some pressure off the partners. Law firms are woefully behind every other professional services business to hire sales people. A

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Posted In: Business Development, LawVision News

Business Development Directors Roundtable Offered by LawVision Group

LawVision Group is excited to announce the launch of the “Business Development Directors Roundtable,” (BDDR) a new resource offered exclusively for law firm

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Holiday Tips

The holiday season is upon us yet again. Wouldn’t it be easier if the end of the year came along at some other

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Track Your Clients Like a Foreign Policy Expert Tracks a Rogue Nation: Dig Deep

This week, North Korea launched a ballistic missile for the first time in over two months. During the summer, they were launching missiles

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You Can Ignore This Post…  If You Are Satisfied with How Your Firm is Doing

We’re coming up on the 10th year-end closing since the financial crash got rolling, and as many as two-thirds of American law firms

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Posted In: Business Development

How to Meet a New Prospect Without Cold-Calling

Orrick and other tech-savvy firms offer free advice and increase new business opportunities. Is your firm doing the same? For many lawyers, asking

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Posted In: Business Development

How to Coach Your Lawyers to be Rainmakers from the Inside

Business development directors and managers are often tasked with coaching lawyers but many don’t have a business development or coaching background. Despite interest

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Posted In: Assessments, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development

Law Firm Business Development:  CMO Success Factors

At a recent meeting of about 20 mid-size to large firm managing partners, someone asked, “What do you consider the most important success

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