LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘client feedback’

Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

Business Development Strategy: When Your Client Loves Another Firm Better

Elise, a partner in a Midwest-based global litigation firm, seemed somewhat desperate when I spoke with her. In the past five months she

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Legal Sales

Creating a Client Advisory Board for Your Law Firm

This post was first published February 9, 2021 by PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. Client Advisory Boards can help your firm stay on

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Key Findings from Our Profitability Survey

Profitability Survey Background To help law firms think about profitability strategies and best practices, we recently finalized our second annual profitability survey with

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Managing Cash, Margins & Profitability: High Impact Changes to Make Now

Are your lawyers abdicating their responsibility to manage rates, discounts, and cash collection cycles, creating unnecessary leakage and hurting your profit margins? Saying

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Posted In: Client Service

A Legal Sales Client Team Story (aka Strategic Account Team Must-Haves)

Excited about launching a new client team program, an 800-lawyer firm had everything in place.  Leadership from the top and key stakeholders were

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Business Development: Connect The Dots To Maximize The Return

Over the course of the past decade law firm leaders have told my colleagues and me “we need to do something different” to

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Succession Planning: What the “Successor” Values

In my most recent blog, The Art of Succession Planning – Thoughts on How to Start, I shared tips gleaned from observing a

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Business Development: Marketing Audits vs Go-To-Market Assessments

It’s interesting how things come in waves in this industry. For a period, we were swamped with client feedback requests, then it was

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