LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Winning Business with Data-Driven Insights from Firm Content

This post originally appeared December 9, 2020 in PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. Remember the saying “Content is King,” originally coined by Bill

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Posted In: Business Development

Top 5 Tips for Defending Your Marketing Budget in Unprecedented Times

This post originally appeared August 25, 2020 in PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. As if defending a marketing budget within the law firm

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity

In the Spotlight: Diversity and Inclusion-Focused Client Development Efforts

This post originally appeared July 27, 2020 in PinHawk’s Law Firm Marketing Brief. The national conversation about racism and the need for social

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

A Better Way to Get Lawyers to Collaborate

There is an old story about a policeman who comes across a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight. He asks the

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Industry Team Best Practice Tip #6

As I’ve referenced in earlier blogs, there has been shift in law firms over the past few years from individual-focused business development initiatives

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Posted In: Business Development, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Research and (Business) Development

By Steven M. Bell and Silvia L. Coulter As we discuss in detail in our upcoming book, SAM-Legal: From Key Clients to Strategic

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Normalcy is the Enemy of Success

It’s budget season for law firms. Budgeting for marketing dollars, even in good times, can be an inexact science based on unclear assumptions. 

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Posted In: Business Development, Team Performance

Law Firm Business Development: Industry Team Best Practice Tip #5

I hope you and your loved ones continue to be well and remain healthy during this challenging time. As I referenced in an

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

Law Firm Business Development: Where to Invest Sales Coaching Dollars

This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on September 1, 2020. The best use of any sales coaching investment is with

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Driving Law Firm Revenues: Quick Tips for Making Client Teams Successful

By Silvia Coulter and Steve Bell This article was originally published through PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily on August 17, 2020. Studies in the legal

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