LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Key Client ~ Keep Your Share of Wallet Before it’s Too Late

I was recently sitting at an airport bar grabbing a quick bite to eat and watching the New England Patriots while waiting for

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Posted In: Business Development, Strategic Planning

Law Firm Alternative Fees: Revolution or Slog

This week, I came across this lead-in to an article in the New York Times on the alternative fee revolution in law firms.

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Posted In: Business Development

Focus Efforts on the Right Firm Initiatives Using the Smart Work Matrix

I recently came across a powerful yet fairly simple tool called the Smart Work Matrix. It helps directors and CMOs in law firms

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Posted In: Business Development

Are the firm’s partners selling at the right level?

I’m often amazed at how many attorneys believe that they are making great strides in selling their services. . .to someone who may

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firms’ Use of Pitchbooks for Business Development

“To Present, or not to Present. That is the question…” Pitchbooks have been an integral part of the business development effort at every

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Posted In: Business Development

Legal Sales: Client Development and Landing the Big One

Fly fishing is a lot like selling legal services.  On a recent fly-fishing trip to Montana as I patiently waited for a brown

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development

Law Firm Positioning – Consider the Wal-Mart, Apple or Ritz Carlton Approach

What can law firm marketers learn about market positioning from Wal-Mart, Ritz Carlton and Apple?  You might be surprised.  Most law firms struggle

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Posted In: Business Development

Your Business Development Strategy: The “One-a-Day” Regiment

Want to ensure your future?  An excellent business development strategy for any lawyer is what I call the “One-a-Day” regiment.  Just like the

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Posted In: Business Development

The Law Firm Marketing and Business Development Organization: It’s Not the Same Old Marketing Team Anymore

There is a clear upward trend confirming law firms are recognizing the need to centralize marketing and create a separate business development/sales function

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