LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Video messaging: A powerful example from the “ice bucket challenge”

We’ve all seen it.  It’s everywhere.  But how did it happen?  Convincing friends, family or colleagues to pour a bucket of ice water

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Autumn Reflections and Words of Gratitude

As we enjoy the waning days of summer, we focus on the new beginnings that autumn brings: a new school year, football season,

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development for Lawyers: Giving and Taking

The concept of givers and takers is an interesting one. Just the other day someone who is a taker called to ask me

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Posted In: Business Development

Client Perceptions: The Value of Knowing Non-substantive Needs

In a recent post on how to deal with fee objections, I posited that the key to navigating pricing pushback lies in understanding

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Posted In: Business Development

Closing Business: First Understand the Four Stages of a Business Relationship

Just knowing people isn’t enough in today’s competitive legal market.  I often hear from clients, “she’ll definitely call me if she ever has

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling value: How to land clients when your set fee seems too high (Why price doesn’t matter)

Lawyers don’t like talking about price. Angst over pushback on fees is common among the lawyers I meet in my training seminars. While

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Posted In: Business Development

The Changing Legal Industry – Another Lesson from Steve Jobs

Markets change and markets evolve.  The legal industry is no exception.  Managing those changes can be painful, so here’s another great lesson from

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Establish Objectives for “Sales Conversations”

For many of you, your business clients have become personal acquaintances or maybe vice versa. In any case, summertime presents a fair amount

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Client Retention and Growth: We Are All Minders!

The philosophy that there are Finders, Minders and Grinders is a bit out of date. I was reminded recently when speaking with a

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: The Importance of Building Rapport

As we say all the time, “Business Development is Relationship Development.” If this is true (and we believe that it is), those of

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