LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Joseph Altonji

Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Strategic Planning

The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… And Thoughts on Best Practices (Final Thoughts… For Now)

In my last two posts, “The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… And Thoughts on Best Practices,” and its follow-up, “Second Thoughts,” I discussed

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance

The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice (2nd Thoughts…)

In my last post, The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice, I commented that “the profit of the law

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

The Perils of Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice

During a meeting last week of twenty or so Managing Partners from around the country, the conversation predictably turned to one of the

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Autumn Thoughts Turn to Year End

As summer fades into autumn, law firm attentions invariably turn to year-end. From a production perspective the current year is largely done, save

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

We’ve Come a Long Way. But Not Far Enough…

  A few days ago, on a tired plane ride, I happened to stumble across the 1982 Paul Newman movie, The Verdict, on

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Another Year, (at Least) Halfway Through…

It’s the end of the third week in July, and at least for us in the Chicago area it seems as though we

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Posted In: Assessments, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Musings on Strategy and Chambers Bay

Over the past week, the attentions of all in the golf world were focused on the spectacle of the US Open at Chambers

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Rangers Lead the Way

A common lament we hear as we talk to law firm leaders is the lack of motivation and leadership displayed by so many

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Change the Language, Change the Outcome?

It has often been said, “Words have meaning.” The legal profession, more than any other, prides itself on its command of language. Every

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Posted In: Assessments, Strategic Planning

Performance is Everything…

My experiences in a number of recent client meetings have remind me of an exchange in the great movie Apollo 13, where Flight

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