LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Joseph Altonji

Posted In: Strategic Planning

April Showers Bring…??

The first quarter is behind us and the legal industry as a whole seems to be doing reasonably well.  Early reports on AMLaw

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil

The three wise monkeys of Buddhist tradition were said to represent the positive personality trait of not fixating on the negative or on

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Time to Turn the Wheel Again? Or Will This Year be Different?

Can 2018 really be here already?  A year ago, in “2017 – The Year to Try Something New?”, I argued that 2017 was

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You Can Ignore This Post…  If You Are Satisfied with How Your Firm is Doing

We’re coming up on the 10th year-end closing since the financial crash got rolling, and as many as two-thirds of American law firms

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Posted In: LawVision News

A Time to Be Thankful…

Thanksgiving is here again – just a bit earlier this year than usual.   As I sit in Chicago looking out at the dark

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Facing the Inevitable:  Succession Management is Today’s Leadership Challenge

Read Joe Altonji’s most recent blog on Succession Management at The National Law Review.  

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Strategy and the 4th Quarter:  Can Law Firms Use This Time to Advance the Strategic Agenda?

It’s hard to believe but it’s here – the fourth quarter.  The time when most law firms become intensely focused on the immediate,

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Posted In: Client Service, Compensation & Performance, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

What a Difference a Decade Makes for Law Firms…

It’s hard to believe the inflection point that marked the beginning of so much change in the legal world occurred ten years ago

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Is Disruptive Innovation in Law Even Possible?

The debates about innovation at law firms can sometimes seem a cacophonous, and discordant, confusion of themes.  On the one hand, virtually every

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development

Lessons in Leadership from Commencement Season…

“A leader’s greatest challenge is not leading – it is making others great.” Juan Carlos Varela, President of Panama, May 6th, 2017 The

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