LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘strategic planning’

Posted In: Client Service, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

Time to Get Focused Before 2019 Gets Away from Us!

Wait, what? It’s still January, right? Well yes, it is, but now is the time to lay the groundwork for a strategically successful

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

It’s Three Weeks into Decade Two.  Do You Know Where Your Firm Is?

We’re just three weeks into the second decade since the crash of Lehman and the end of life as we once knew it

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Strategy and the 4th Quarter:  Can Law Firms Use This Time to Advance the Strategic Agenda?

It’s hard to believe but it’s here – the fourth quarter.  The time when most law firms become intensely focused on the immediate,

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

State Of Texas Legal Market: It Isn’t Just About Oil

Law360, New York (August 26, 2016, 5:05 PM ET) — The drop in crude oil prices that began in 2014 has resulted in the

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You’ve Got to Tell the Story Right…

It seems law firms everywhere are going back to basics. Who are we and where are we going? What is our strategy? What

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Getting Succession Right: Remember – It’s Personal

In multiple posts over the last several weeks, including “Succession Planning Challenges – No Surprises Here” and “The Impact of Succession Challenges in

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Make 2016 a Year for Growth

As we enter 2016, continued uncertainty hovers over the legal industry, fueled in part by uncertainty in the greater national and world economies

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Chasing Rainbows: Six Tips for Data-Driven Planning

It’s there at the end of the rainbow – the elusive pot of gold. All we need to do is follow this path…

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance

The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice (2nd Thoughts…)

In my last post, The Perils of Law Firm Profitability… and Thoughts on Best Practice, I commented that “the profit of the law

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Autumn Thoughts Turn to Year End

As summer fades into autumn, law firm attentions invariably turn to year-end. From a production perspective the current year is largely done, save

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