LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘law firm client service’

Posted In: Client Service, Legal Project Management, Profitability

Driving Client Service and Improved Profitability through LPM

Despite social distancing, working remotely, and the reeling economic environment, law firms must continue to provide exceptional service to their clients. Even as

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

5 Things You Must Do to Increase Law Firm Top-line Revenue in a Pandemic

The French have a saying: “plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”  Which roughly translated means (and pardon my French) “The more

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Time to Turn the Wheel Again? Or Will This Year be Different?

Can 2018 really be here already?  A year ago, in “2017 – The Year to Try Something New?”, I argued that 2017 was

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