LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Client relationships’

Posted In: Artificial Intelligence, Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Legal Sales

The Shape of Things to Come

Sales is now an established function at law firms, continuing to gain ground as more and more client-facing professionals come on board to

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Posted In: Business Development

What to Talk About at Your Next Business Development Lunch

Navigating a business development lunch, especially with a pivotal figure like a new General Counsel (GC), can be a blend of excitement and

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Law Firm Resilience, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Sales: Double Black Diamond Business Development Coaching for Revenue Success

Only the most experienced skiers traverse trails marked by signs bearing two diamonds. These routes are reserved for the ‘best of the best.’

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Posted In: Business Development

How to Choose the Target, and Then Hit It!

It’s a longstanding tradition in the legal business: Clients complain about law firms on subjects such as price, deficient client service, slow response

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

Closing Sales Open Loops

When Business Development (BD) professionals and the lawyers they work with use the word “closing,” they primarily mean acquiring a new client or

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

Old (But New Again) Growth Strategies for Driving Firm Revenue

Retaining and growing existing client relationships and building new business. That’s basically the business development strategy on which most firms are, or at

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Posted In: Business Development, Uncategorized

Optimizing Your Business Development: Choosing Wisely Among Networking Events and Other Activities

I read a great article in the Harvard Business Review on networking.  In “Don’t waste your time on networking events,” author Derek Coburn

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Law Firm Resilience, Legal Sales, Strategic Planning

Sharpening Your Law Firm’s Industry-Based Sales Strategy

Over the last two decades there has been a proliferation of practice groups at most firms. Some are practice-specific, fewer are industry-focused, and

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

In Times of Planning Uncertainty, Fall Back on the Basics

As we all gaze into our crystal balls and try to predict what will happen in 2024 with any degree of certainty, our

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

Business Development Strategy: When Your Client Loves Another Firm Better

Elise, a partner in a Midwest-based global litigation firm, seemed somewhat desperate when I spoke with her. In the past five months she

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