LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Strategic Planning Category

Posted In: Profitability

Lessons from the Pandemic and the “Perfect Storm” for Profitability

The Peer Monitor Index (PMI) just reported Q4 results from 2020, observing that the index hit its highest quarterly score in its history

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

Empowering Lawyer Personalities for Successful Legal Process Improvement

This post first appeared October 26, 2020 on PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. People crave normalcy right now. Yet, here you come with a

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Planning

“We Want to Maintain Our Independence” and Other Strategic Irrelevancies: Thinking About Merger as a Small to Midsize Law Firm

We appear poised to enter a period of more rapid consolidation in the legal profession, and as always the primary moderating factor will

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Profitability

Using the Power of Personality to Drive Law Firm Change (part 2)

This post originally appeared November 17, 2020 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. Law firms no longer have a choice. They used to. When

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Posted In: Law Firm Resilience, Profitability, Talent Strategy

A Rapidly Developing Law Firm Profitability Battle

As a result of the global pandemic and the impact that it has had on law firm operations, platforms, and business models, there

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Posted In: Profitability

Calling Messrs. Jekyll and Hyde – Profitability Stretches for 2021

As we enter December looking to conclude what surely is going down as the most bizarre year in our lives, we look to

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

A Better Way to Get Lawyers to Collaborate

There is an old story about a policeman who comes across a drunk man searching for something under a streetlight. He asks the

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Posted In: NewLaw Business Models, Organizational Structure, Profitability

Captive LPOs: The Right Type of Subsidiary for Your Law Firm?

This article was first published on September 23, 2020 by’s Legaltech News:  A wholly owned Captive LPO will be more closely

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Planning

Why So Many Law Firm Merger Attempts Fail

I recently wrote about the outcomes of our most recent 30 law firm merger & acquisition projects <link> within the context of a

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Posted In: Profitability, Research, Intelligence & Data Science

Profitability Signaling through Smart Reporting

Your Performance Orientation In my last blog entitled Your Financial Performance Scorecard (link), I discussed four profit areas for law firms: (1) successful

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