LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Strategic Planning Category

Posted In: Strategic Planning

What To Do When Your Prospect Objects To Your Fee

Fee objections happen often, but they are not always what they seem. Next time a prospect objects to your firm’s fees, think about

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Is Disruptive Innovation in Law Even Possible?

The debates about innovation at law firms can sometimes seem a cacophonous, and discordant, confusion of themes.  On the one hand, virtually every

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

The Challenge of “Coasters” in Prospective Law Firm Partner Compensation Systems

There are many positive aspects to prospective law firm Partner compensation systems but they have one glaring weakness that many law firm leaders

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Posted In: Client Service, Strategic Planning

What Job is Your Client Hiring You to Do?

  My wife and I had a recent real estate experience that illustrates an underlying challenge for law firms when it comes to

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Talent Strategy

Talent and Client Retention and Growth: Nothing Grows Under the Banyan Tree

“Nothing grows under a banyan tree.” This Indian proverb speaks of leadership styles. The banyan is a great tree. It spreads its branches,

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Posted In: Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Artificial Intelligence – A game changer in the legal industry?

A.I. changes everything for law firms.  Today’s technology allows for contract review at a speed with which a lawyer simply cannot compete.  The

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Q2 – The Bellwether of Annual Performance for Law Firms

Last month I posed the question, “What if you didn’t hit budget in 2016?” This month, I want to look forward into 2017

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Posted In: Business Development, Recruiting, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Business Development: Tips to Help You Successfully Integrate New Laterals

My colleague, Jim Cranston, wrote about the importance of asking the right questions to improve your success rate with lateral recruiting.  As a

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

What if you didn’t hit budget in 2016?

As we continue to review and dissect 2016, something feels a little different to me.  My recent conversations with law firm leaders suggest

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Posted In: Client Service, Strategic Planning

Client Satisfaction is Dead…

Client satisfaction is dead – or you may be, if that is your primary focus as an organization.  This seemingly radical statement is

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