LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Practice Group Management Category

Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

It’s Time to Spend Money to Make Money

Whenever the growth in demand for legal services slows (and it cannot get much slower than right now), we hear from many law

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Overcoming Strategic Inertia

Over many years of working in the legal industry, I have often been struck by the stark differences between firms that seem to

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Succession Planning – Breaking Through the Force of Inertia

I led a webinar on succession planning around key client relationships last week.  The key themes from my presentation were focused on the

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Posted In: Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

The Surprising State of Law Firm Strategies

As we dig deeper into the results from our recently published Partner Compensation System Survey, we continue to have little “a-ha” and “very

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Posted In: Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Is Your Partner Compensation System Outdated?

LawVision Group Partners speak regularly about the lessons learned by the legal industry from the recession.  It’s an important list and one of

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Posted In: Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Time to Change the Partner Compensation System?

I was recently discussing some preliminary findings from our Partner Compensation System Survey* with a Managing Partner – issues such as how many

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Solving the Great Partner Compensation Puzzle – Promoting Teamwork (Part 4)

In my last three blogs I have been focused on the ability to solve the “teamwork puzzle” in a law firm and the

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Solving the Great Partner Compensation Puzzle – Promoting Teamwork (Part 3)

In my last two blogs I have been focused on the ability to solve the “teamwork puzzle” in a law firm and the

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Solving the Great Partner Compensation Puzzle – Promoting Teamwork (Part 2)

In my last blog I introduced a series focused on the ability to solve the “teamwork puzzle” in a law firm and the

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

New Year’s Resolutions for Managing Partners

It’s January, and we’ve turned the corner on another year in the business of law.  We are another year into the “new normal”

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