LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Culture & Diversity Category

Posted In: Culture & Diversity

Selling Internally at Your Law Firm—Keys to Success

A recent Yahoo posting reminded me of something  we often discuss with our individual sales coaching clients – the need for what is

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Practice Group Management, Strategic Planning

Succession Planning – Breaking Through the Force of Inertia

I led a webinar on succession planning around key client relationships last week.  The key themes from my presentation were focused on the

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Posted In: Assessments, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Coming to Grips with “Average” – The Strategic Challenge for (Most) Law Firms

Over the weekend I had the good fortune of attending college orientation with my youngest son, who is entering one of the premier

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity

How do you add value? Take a lesson from the nation’s premiere negotiators

“Adding value” is an often stated quoted but rarely defined phrase used to describe that element added to a professional relationship that creates

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Maintaining Morale at High Functioning Law Firms: The Five C’s

I celebrate my wedding anniversary this month, and recently recalled words of wisdom passed along by my pastor on our wedding day.  In

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity

Law Firm Leadership—Lessons from a Winning Team

I recently had the pleasure of hearing Boston Celtics President Rich Gotham speak to a group of law firm business development and sales

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Law Ain’t what it Used to Be…

Yogi Berra once famously remarked, “The future ain’t what it used to be.”  I couldn’t help but be reminded of that remark yesterday,

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

By the Numbers: Does Your Law Firm Measure Up to a “Gold” Standard?

I like metrics.  Perhaps that’s why I find the recently released Women in Law Empowerment Forum’s  2013 Gold Standard Certification especially interesting and

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity

Passion + Focus = Success in Life and Law

Over the Memorial Day weekend, I had the honor of playing golf with two veterans of the Iraq war, in a charity tournament

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Talent Strategy

Redefining “Nice” at Law Firms: The Interplay between Culture and Tenured Partner Underperformance

During our most recent LawVision Managing Partner Roundtable, a topic of common concern resurfaced, albeit this time with a slightly different spin.  Although

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