LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Extroverts Beware

One of the more common themes that comes up during my initial coaching session with new coachees is that they feel that they

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Posted In: Business Development

Focus on Clients

Every once in a while we get reminded of how important client service really is, particularly for those of us in the service

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Posted In: Business Development

Ready, Fire, Aim: How to Build an Effective Business Development Plan

A famous architect once designed a home. Upon completion of the project the builder pointed out to the architect that no provision had

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling Legal Services: A great listener begins with great questions

Here’s a scenario.  You make an appointment to see a new doctor and after introducing herself, she immediately begins to pitch you on

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Posted In: Business Development

Negotiating Your Way to Business Development Success

Lawyers can be brilliant business generators.  Even if one is not the savvy extroverted networker, any lawyer with good lawyering skills can be

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm CMO/CBDOs: Staying On Course

I was thinking of you Chief Marketing and Chief Business Development Officers out there as I was reading an aviation magazine recently to

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Posted In: Business Development

Is Selling Legal Services All That Risky?

In our business we often hear “lawyers are risk-adverse and therefore don’t like to sell since it’s putting themselves out there to potentially

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Posted In: Business Development

Overcoming Business Development Procrastination

I often ask groups of lawyers to brainstorm with me to list obstacles they experience when attempting business development activities. I want to

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development For Lawyers: It’s About Time

Having been in an in-house leadership role for many years, I have spent much of my time encouraging my practice professionals to dedicate

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development Preparation for The New Year

I watched the interview with Alabama’s head football coach Nick Saban minutes after winning the national championship game where he said “we’re going

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