LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

Why Law Firm Capacity Is So Important for Business Development and What to Do About It

Helping lawyers bring in more clients is often an exercise in removing obstacles.  Here’s something I hear often: “If I get a new

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Posted In: Business Development

Mind the Gap: The Marketing and Business Development Chief

During a recent marketing audit project with a firm, I had a conversation with one of the firm’s more influential partners.  When I

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Posted In: Business Development

Lessons from “The Profit”

Have you seen CNBC’s show The Profit?  If not, I highly recommend you take in an episode or two.  Marcus Lemonis is an

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Make Selling a Team Sport

Despite the fact that we encourage each of our individual clients (Partners, Associates, and Counsel alike) to have individual business development plans, we

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Posted In: Business Development

Mind Share Equals Market Share

Given the exorbitant cost of television advertising during major events like the Final Four, Winter Olympics or the Super Bowl, have you ever

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling Legal Services: Increase Opportunity and Revenue With New Models

The changing legal scene continues to present new opportunities for those who wish to grab the next brass ring. For others, it could

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Posted In: Business Development

Why Client Service is Not a One-Size-Fits-All Proposition

Over the past decade the words from the lips of client service evangelists have heralded different variations on a theme: what is good

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: What Is Winning?

The Winter Olympic games are over and, aside from a few disappointments, the United States faired pretty well as measured by the overall

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Posted In: Business Development

Stop Being a Sherpa and Start Being a Guide: How to Build Coaching Programs that Motivate your Lawyers to Sell

Last month I sat on a panel at the Marketing Partner Forum in Naples, Florida with my colleague Silvia Coulter and Steve Bell,

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Posted In: Business Development

What’s APP?

Bracewell & Giuliani recently announced a Fracking App called Shale Play. It’s one of the most creative value propositions I’ve seen in a

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