LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Business Development Category

Posted In: Business Development

The 5 key components to a successful client team program (that are often overlooked)

We often hear “it didn’t work for us” or “we just can’t seem to get our client team program going.”  Have you tried

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Posted In: Business Development

The Top Ten Law Firm Business Development Don’ts

At a recent retreat I had a number of partners ask me “What are the top “Don’ts” of business development? While I prefer

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Posted In: Business Development

Understanding your Client’s Business: 7 Questions to Start the Process

I continue to hear from third party sources and even from our client’s clients through feedback engagements, that clients expect outside legal counsel

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Posted In: Business Development

Generating New Ideas for Staying Top-of-Mind with Clients and Key Prospects

You say cola, I say Coke. You say lip balm, I say Chapstik. You say tape, I say Scotch. It’s easy, automatic, almost

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Posted In: Business Development

The Many Paths to Business Development Success

I get concerned when senior rainmakers give business development presentations to their firm’s associates.  Why?  Because the message is often misconstrued by the

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Posted In: Business Development

The Four Ws of Business Development for Those Who Want to Take it to the Next Level

After two recent weeks of meetings with partners who are successful at business development and want to reach the next level of revenue

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Posted In: Business Development

Least Effective Ways to Bring New Business into Your Law Firm

I recently came across WebMD’s list of the 9 least effective exercises. If you are a fitness nut like me (when we meet

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Client Teams & Strategic Account Management (SAM)

During my days at Ernst & Young, I was a member of the leadership team that rolled-out the firm’s Client Team program. To

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development, Strategic Planning

Trendspotting Risks and Rewards: Taking the Leap into Innovation

Just a month after touting Amazon’s diaper launch in the first of my Trendspotting blog series, Amazon pulled their new line from the

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development: Sifting for Gold to Grow Revenue

Prospectors know that to find gold, they have to sift through a lot of rocks, twigs and other miscellaneous things found in the

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