LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Silvia Coulter

Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Sales and Lessons from the Spider

Inspired by the fun holiday of Halloween this month, I thought I’d write about my recent experience with a spider’s web. In between

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Posted In: Business Development

When Law Firm Selling is Like Working Out

As I was power walking with my dog this morning I kept thinking that it’s easy to find reasons not to exercise. Too

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development for Lawyers: Giving and Taking

The concept of givers and takers is an interesting one. Just the other day someone who is a taker called to ask me

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Client Retention and Growth: We Are All Minders!

The philosophy that there are Finders, Minders and Grinders is a bit out of date. I was reminded recently when speaking with a

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Posted In: Business Development

Mind the Gap: The Marketing and Business Development Chief

During a recent marketing audit project with a firm, I had a conversation with one of the firm’s more influential partners.  When I

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling Legal Services: Increase Opportunity and Revenue With New Models

The changing legal scene continues to present new opportunities for those who wish to grab the next brass ring. For others, it could

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development Holiday Connections

What’s the one great thing about the holiday season?  Connecting with people.  There’s no better time to call former inactive clients, to connect

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Posted In: Business Development

A Former Client’s View: The Client Side of Business Development

Recently I was at a client coaching meeting with a very savvy rainmaker who, prior to his return to the law firm side,

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Client Meetings

At a recent General Counsel/Managing Partner Forum, General Counsels urged Managing Partners to come visit them to share insights and musings about the

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Posted In: Business Development

Client Service Means Making It Easy for Clients to Connect With You

Creating strong client experiences can be quite simple.  One way to do this is to be accessible.  If you’ve ever scrambled to find

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