LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Silvia Coulter

Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Pick Up The Phone! Meet With Your Clients!

It’s really quite simple and yet over and over we continue to hear that of all professional services firms, law firms—specifically the legal

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service

Law Firm Sales: Relationship Partners Are Wise To Check In

I feel compelled to write this post about the importance of the relationship partner paying attention to the client relationship.  In the past

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Posted In: Business Development, Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure

Law Firm Business Development: Building a Sales Team

Time to take some pressure off the partners. Law firms are woefully behind every other professional services business to hire sales people. A

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Posted In: Business Development

Cross-Selling? How About Cross-Collaboration?

Last week I had a conversation with a group of C-level individuals who are on a committee with me. The discussion turned to

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development

Law Firm Business Development: Everyone & Anyone is a Potential Influencer

A recent interview with the GC of a global insurer reminded me that everyone can influence who gets the next matter. His comment

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Posted In: Assessments, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development

Law Firm Business Development:  CMO Success Factors

At a recent meeting of about 20 mid-size to large firm managing partners, someone asked, “What do you consider the most important success

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Posted In: Business Development, Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Talent Strategy

Talent and Client Retention and Growth: Nothing Grows Under the Banyan Tree

“Nothing grows under a banyan tree.” This Indian proverb speaks of leadership styles. The banyan is a great tree. It spreads its branches,

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Your Bio is Your Product Sheet

I’ve written about bios before and just yesterday was reminded that they still remain one of the most powerful marketing communications tools one

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development for Law Firms: Everything is Discoverable

I have great respect for my peers, clients, friends and colleagues in the legal industry. Given most of my focus is on revenue

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Posted In: Business Development

Law Firm Business Development: Reducing Stress in 2017

What does stress have to do with business development? A lot. Building, maintaining and growing a significant practice coupled with billable hour requirements

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