LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Joseph Altonji

Posted In: Assessments, Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Worst Play Calling in the History of Sports? Or Law?

As I write this less than 24 hours after the stunning end of Super Bowl XLIX, the consensus has completely firmed: Seattle’s decision

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Race Continues…

Welcome to 2015 and the continuation of the long race to redefine success in the business and profession of law! Happily for some,

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Posted In: LawVision News, Strategic Planning

What Difference Can a Year Make? Some Year-End Thoughts

As law firm leaders turn their sights to the annual year-end drill – “set compensation, collect AR, manage the results” – it is

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Posted In: LawVision News, Strategic Planning

The Wisdom of Yogi for the Business of Law

Yogi Berra’s playing career with the New York Yankees ended over 50 years ago. He was one of the best catchers in the

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Time to Start Thinking Differently…Again?

For the past several years we have argued consistently that the industry is in a period of “winners and losers” and that growth

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Why So Much Un-Executable Strategy? Part 3…

In two recent blog posts (Why So Much Un-Executable Strategy, and Why So Much Un-Executable Strategy, Part 2…) we’ve focused on two reasons

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Why So Much Un-Executable Strategy? Part 2…

A few weeks ago we focused on the first reason why so much strategy in the legal world fails at the implementation stage

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Why so Much Un-Executable Strategy?

Several weeks ago we suggested that there were at least three major categories of reasons why law firms so frequently fail to execute

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity


As we here in the US celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, I want to step away from my recent series of posts focused

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning

Why Can’t We Ever Seem to Get Anywhere?

A few weeks ago, I raised a critical issue for law firm leaders (Getting it Done…or Not) – actually accomplishing your strategy! Considering

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