LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Joseph Altonji

Posted In: Client Service, Strategic Planning

What Job is Your Client Hiring You to Do?

  My wife and I had a recent real estate experience that illustrates an underlying challenge for law firms when it comes to

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Posted In: Client Service, Strategic Planning

Client Satisfaction is Dead…

Client satisfaction is dead – or you may be, if that is your primary focus as an organization.  This seemingly radical statement is

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

2017 – The Year to Try Something New?

2017 has arrived, and already the year is looking like one of change outside the narrow bounds of the legal profession:  The Cubs

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning

The World Really is Different: Realizing that Change is Okay

A few weeks ago, while facilitating an All-Lawyer retreat, I had an interesting ah-hah moment. This was an unusual retreat. In the course

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

What Happened to 2016? (And Can We Still Accomplish Something?)

Can it really be Fall again? Some of us have hardly noticed, being more astonished by the Cubs in the playoffs, or perhaps

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Leadership Flaws and Communications Deficits…

Over the past two weeks Americans have witnessed the culmination of our presidential nominating process, and the launch of the general election campaign.

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

You’ve Got to Tell the Story Right…

It seems law firms everywhere are going back to basics. Who are we and where are we going? What is our strategy? What

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

Getting Succession Right: Remember – It’s Personal

In multiple posts over the last several weeks, including “Succession Planning Challenges – No Surprises Here” and “The Impact of Succession Challenges in

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Posted In: Mergers & Acquisitions, Practice Group Management, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Something’s in the Air…

The creative and entrepreneurial juices in the legal industry are boiling in the early days of 2016, particularly in the litigation space. One

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Make 2016 a Year for Growth

As we enter 2016, continued uncertainty hovers over the legal industry, fueled in part by uncertainty in the greater national and world economies

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