LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Jim Cranston

Posted In: Business Development

Today’s New Breed of Rainmaker

Rainmaking has changed in the past five years.  Today, a new breed of Rainmaker has evolved and rules the leader board at most

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Posted In: Business Development

3 Ways to Improve Your Email Outreach!

In discussing business development, I’m often asked, “how do I know if people are actually reading my emails?”  To me, the more appropriate

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Posted In: Business Development

Create Value to Develop Business

Think about a time that you’ve reached out to a prospective client and received no response.  There are many reasons voice mails and

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Posted In: Business Development

Selling Legal Services: A great listener begins with great questions

Here’s a scenario.  You make an appointment to see a new doctor and after introducing herself, she immediately begins to pitch you on

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Posted In: Uncategorized

Avoiding unnecessary risk to your book of business – More lessons from the Super Bowl “lights out” fiasco

This year’s Super Bowl organizers watched in horror as half the stadium lights went dark on Sunday.  How could this happen?  On the

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Posted In: Business Development

Business Development Preparation for The New Year

I watched the interview with Alabama’s head football coach Nick Saban minutes after winning the national championship game where he said “we’re going

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Posted In: Business Development

Are the firm’s partners selling at the right level?

I’m often amazed at how many attorneys believe that they are making great strides in selling their services. . .to someone who may

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Posted In: Assessments, Business Development

Law Firm Positioning – Consider the Wal-Mart, Apple or Ritz Carlton Approach

What can law firm marketers learn about market positioning from Wal-Mart, Ritz Carlton and Apple?  You might be surprised.  Most law firms struggle

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Posted In: Business Development

Your Business Development Strategy: The “One-a-Day” Regiment

Want to ensure your future?  An excellent business development strategy for any lawyer is what I call the “One-a-Day” regiment.  Just like the

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