LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Posts Tagged ‘firm culture’

Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Leadership Support & Development, Strategic Planning

Positioning the Firm for Success: Finding the Synthesis of Strategy, Culture, Leadership & Execution

After more than three decades advising law firm leaders on improving their firm’s overall position and success, a number of frustrations have proven

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

Top Workplace Cultures see Top and Bottom Line Growth

Employees who work in constructive workplace cultures understand what is expected of them, feel empowered to do their jobs well, tend to effectively

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Posted In: Culture & Diversity, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Law Firm Talent Retention: Culture Matters

Millennials, Gen-Xers, Baby Boomers, Silent Generation, etc. Much has been written and I dare say speculated about why things are not working well

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