LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Archive for Strategic Planning Category

Posted In: Strategic Planning

Innovation: The One Driver for Future Success

Professor Gabriel Teninbaum, Director of Suffolk University’s Institute on Law Practice Technology & Innovation, gave a thought-provoking keynote address on innovation to 300

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

2017 – The Year to Try Something New?

2017 has arrived, and already the year is looking like one of change outside the narrow bounds of the legal profession:  The Cubs

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

10 Questions That Need Answers for a Successful 2017 (and Beyond)

At about this time last year, I wrote a blog about 10 Projects That Can Produce Big Results in 2016.  My goal was

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Succession Planning: What the “Successor” Values

In my most recent blog, The Art of Succession Planning – Thoughts on How to Start, I shared tips gleaned from observing a

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Posted In: Business Development, Organizational Structure, Talent Strategy

Who Will Be Income Partners in the Future?

In July, I wrote a blog entitled Who Will Be the Owners of Law Firms in the Future. My goal at that time

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Posted In: Leadership Support & Development, Organizational Structure, Strategic Planning

The World Really is Different: Realizing that Change is Okay

A few weeks ago, while facilitating an All-Lawyer retreat, I had an interesting ah-hah moment. This was an unusual retreat. In the course

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Posted In: Strategic Planning, Talent Strategy

The Art of Succession Planning – Thoughts on How to Start

“Succession” has been an extremely hot topic this year. For many firms, it seems succession planning is the Holy Grail, but why? Maybe

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Posted In: Strategic Planning

Cubs Win! Cubs Win!…..Will Clients be Next?

By: The Chicago Office of LawVision Group Holy Cow! After 108 years, the Curse of the Billygoat is dead, and the world has

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

Millennials and the Future of Business Development

As I reflect on a recent discussion among senior partners about which prospect or client to take golfing, I find myself thinking about

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Posted In: Business Development, Talent Strategy

The One Thing You Must Do to Get Hired

More important than showing expertise, know-how, skills and experience Ask most inside counsel why they hire the lawyers they do and they’ll tell

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