LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Steven Bell

Posted In: Business Development

How to Choose the Target, and Then Hit It!

It’s a longstanding tradition in the legal business: Clients complain about law firms on subjects such as price, deficient client service, slow response

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

Closing Sales Open Loops

When Business Development (BD) professionals and the lawyers they work with use the word “closing,” they primarily mean acquiring a new client or

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience

How to Install a Sales Process at Your Firm

If your firm has a client, it has a sales process. After all, somehow, a buyer of legal services became aware of your

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Posted In: Business Development, Legal Sales

7 Reasons to Design a Law Firm Sales Process

A recent survey conducted by Chief Sales Officer Insights – a survey about achieving revenue goals – determined that a vast majority of

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Posted In: Business Development, Client Service, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Research, Intelligence & Data Science, Strategic Planning

Be an Info Hero at Your Firm: How to Propel Your Career by Learning Basic Business Analysis

Law firms’ increasing focus on user experience creates a tremendous professional opportunity for law firm marketers and business developers. For a long time,

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

Look to Firm Strategy for Guidance in Preparing Next Year’s Client Development Budget

It’s budget season – one of the toughest times for law firm client development leaders because they are asked to allocate a finite

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning

Three tips for CMOs who oversee both Marketing and Sales functions

Law firms are slowly but steadily adding client-facing business development and sales professionals to their ranks and very often placing them under the

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Strategic Planning, Uncategorized

The Golden Rule of New Client Acquisition

To protect existing revenue streams, successful law firms invest heavily in client service, satisfaction, and relationships. But what about future revenue streams (aka

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Posted In: Business Development, Law Firm Resilience, Leadership Support & Development, Legal Sales, Uncategorized

How Law Firm Leaders Help Their Teams Ring the Cash Register

As soon as a new lawyer joins a law firm, they get wind of the fact that acquiring new clients and finding new

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Posted In: Uncategorized

Once Again, Law Firms Are Considering Sales Forces as a Way to Address Revenue Shortfalls

Demand for legal services is materially down after a few extremely flush years, according to a recent “state of the legal marketplace” presentation

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