LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Mark Medice

Posted In: Benchmarking Research, Compensation & Performance, Profitability

Cash Management Actions to Drive Profitability

Great attention is paid to rate and pricing strategy for many law firms but, paradoxically, managing cash flow well is frequently overlooked. Imagine

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Posted In: Compensation & Performance, Legal Process Improvement, Pricing Strategy, Profitability, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

2022 Profitability Strategy Checklist

While we are in the early days, 2022 has already delivered many gifts to us, including stock market volatility, high inflation, the advent

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy

Thoughts About Law Firm Rate Strategies into 2022

Economic Backdrop A recent AP news headline indicated that the price of cars, gasoline, restaurants, food, and other goods matched a 13-year high,[1]

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Posted In: Profitability

3rd Annual Law Firm Profitability Survey: Firms are Pressing Harder on New Profit Projects Anticipating the Post-Pandemic Environment

Iridium Technology and LawVision recently released the results of our 3rd annual law firm profitability survey that assessed the sentiment and performance of

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Posted In: Profitability

Your Realization is Wrong and What to Do About It

Realization, the long-standing hallmark of law firm performance, is ready for a makeover. While the metric is not inherently flawed, its calculation and

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Posted In: Profitability

Proactive Profitability for Law Firms

As happens in personal life (and certainly with recent headlines), law firm leaders frequently get side-tracked firefighting, acting on urgent tasks that distract

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Posted In: Profitability, Uncategorized

Your Profitability Change Matrix

    Changing Legal Last week I announced my role as a co-founding member in the Changing Legal (CL) think tank (link). CL

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Posted In: Pricing Strategy, Profitability

Pricing 2.0 – Beyond the Billable Hour

This article was first published February 16, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. I am enjoying the discussion going on these days about

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Posted In: Profitability

Lessons from the Pandemic and the “Perfect Storm” for Profitability

The Peer Monitor Index (PMI) just reported Q4 results from 2020, observing that the index hit its highest quarterly score in its history

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Posted In: Profitability

Calling Messrs. Jekyll and Hyde – Profitability Stretches for 2021

As we enter December looking to conclude what surely is going down as the most bizarre year in our lives, we look to

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