LawVision INSIGHTS Blog

Author Archive : Carla Landry

Posted In: Legal Project Management

It’s Not the Same Thing: Lawyers Need Legal Project Management

No matter who you get to do legal project management (LPM) in your firm, one fact remains: you are working with lawyers. There’s

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

Legal Project Management Isn’t a Silver Bullet, But it May Be a Superpower

There are many tools and templates in traditional project management to help companies plan, scope, budget, and report work with great precision. Businesses

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

LPM: Bringing it Home After All These Years

In the words of the late, great baseball Yankees Hall of Famer, Yogi Berra, “It’s like deja vu all over again.” That’s how

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Posted In: Legal Project Management

LPM: Easing into Innovation

Innovate or die, they said. Well, you have a chief innovation officer, don’t you? Whether you do or you don’t, it turns out

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

ALSPs: It’s Not If You’ll Use Them, It’s How

Few people attend law school with the vision of spending most of their days on document review. Not that there’s anything wrong with

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement

Before You Go ALSP, Assess What’s Broken

This article was first published March 30, 2021 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily.  They are looming, bolder than ever, ready to either take

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

Lawyers and Decisions: So Many Choices, So Little Time

This post was first published January 20, 2021 in PinHawk’s Daily Administrator. Decision fatigue. It actually is a thing. It has been a

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management, Talent Strategy, Team Performance

Empowering Lawyer Personalities for Successful Legal Process Improvement

This post first appeared October 26, 2020 on PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. People crave normalcy right now. Yet, here you come with a

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Legal Project Management

To ALSP or Not. It’s Just Part of the Question

This post originally appeared December 14, 2020 in Legal Administrator Daily. Everything is a process, even, as the pandemic reminds us, hand hygiene.

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Posted In: Legal Process Improvement, Profitability

Using the Power of Personality to Drive Law Firm Change (part 2)

This post originally appeared November 17, 2020 in PinHawk’s Legal Administrator Daily. Law firms no longer have a choice. They used to. When

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