As I was power walking with my dog this morning I kept thinking that it’s easy to find reasons not to exercise. Too busy; too tired; the weather—there are lots of excuses I can find. But with no exercise there are no results. I think selling is like exercising. Using sales muscle means choosing a route (being organized with your contacts) and doing the reps, meaning, a high volume of activity across a wide group of people. Staying connected helps to gain confidence as well. It can be rewarding when people are receptive to you and they appreciate the fact we are thinking of them. For many of us, this also means staying connected to the people with whom we work.
Taking a colleague from another department out to lunch is a good thing to do—it helps build relationships with internal firm resources whose support we may need at some point. At our firm and our previous firm, I find we are most successful when we have a team of people who support us; but it’s our taking the proactive initiative to building relationships with each other. While you are thinking about who to phone next, add some people from your firm to the list. If you are a partner, try taking a senior business professional out to lunch (IT, Finance, Marketing/BD, HR, for example) and vice versa—take a partner to lunch! Internal support can be one of the roads to sales success and exercising sales muscle with your internal contacts is fun.
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